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Dr. Geanina Hagima: The HPV vaccine and its fraudulent studies. Spectacular behavior under optical microscopy – All vaccines need to be re-evaluated!

The Gardasil 9 vaccine, anti Papillomavirus, is an intense vaccine recommended by the authorities primarily to teenagers but, with the “new medicine” even to adults, although the vast majority of the latter category have come into contact, some repeatedly, with the multiple strains of HPV virus. The mirage of a vaccine to prevent cervical cancer also fascinated me, being a gynecologist, knowing what cervical cancer means and how mutilating the treatment for these situations is. The charm dissipated when the covid pandemic came with its disingenuous medical lies, and in searching for covid information I discovered information and other information about abuse, fraud in studies, and adverse reactions to other vaccines. The gross pandemic medical fraud was a heavy slap that woke me up from my dream, the moment I understood that science, research, the pharmaceutical industry, the university environment, the judiciary, the authorities are not what they seemed to be. Discovering this information awakened feelings of revolt in me, realizing that I had been manipulated, even though I was informing myself, quoting medical articles. Censorship worked and still works very effectively… 

Source: Dr Geanina Hagima, Active News, 15 Oct 2023

Studies for the HPV vaccine, although they have not been able to demonstrate a decrease in the incidence of cervical cancer due to the fact that the cervical neoplasm develops over years, indicate its effectiveness in preventing precancerous lesions of the cervix. The side effects are no longer mentioned in reputable medical journals. Until the pandemic, I didn’t know anything about the corruption in the pharmaceutical industry, nor did it catch my attention that most vaccine studies were funded by the manufacturing companies. I would not have imagined that in this industry financial interests end up taking precedence over people’s health.  

During the pandemic I learned a lot about how this world works, including the abuses of the Indian pharma industry and more in conducting HPV vaccine studies. In 2009, the Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH), a nonprofit organization based in Seattle, initiated a $3.6 million HPV vaccine trial, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, of 24,777 adolescent girls in Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat regions of India, hoping to expand the use of the vaccine in that country. A few months after the study began, the Indian government took notice after the media reported the deaths of seven girls in the study. A panel appointed by the Indian health ministry in 2010 found a number of shortcomings and ethical issues in the HPV vaccine trial . The 2011 report of this ministerial team noted that, on several occasions, proper informed consent was not obtained from study participants. It was also found that those in charge of the study did not establish a mechanism for reporting adverse effects , that there was no control group , and that girls from protected tribal communities in India were included in the study without obtaining individual consent . In addition, it should be noted that no postmortem investigations were performed on the girls who died during the study . Therefore, it was concluded that the standards of good clinical practice were not respected and met . 

Indian authorities investigating the situation claimed that PATH, rather than working to protect women’s health, was a voluntary tool of foreign pharmaceutical companies hoping to persuade the Indian government to include the HPV vaccine in its universal vaccination program. The commission found that the ICMR (Indian Council of Medical Research) in New Delhi, “completely failed to fulfill its mandated role and responsibility as the apex body for medical research in the country…”. 

We see how these abuses of the pharma industry have been happening for a long time, but, as if by magic, these scandals are hidden, they do not reach the ears of people and especially doctors. The similarity between this incident in India and the way the covid action unfolds on a global scale in terms of magic serums is striking

Important deficiencies in the reporting and counting of adverse reactions to HPV vaccines were also noted in an official report by the Danish Health and Medicines Authority (DHMA) that was submitted to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) . The EMA concluded that there was no convincing evidence of harm. When the DHMA asked Sanofi Pasteur MSD in 2014 to review its database for potential adverse effects of the HPV vaccine, the head of the DHMA panel noted that “The company did some searches and arranged them in such a way that the reports filed in Denmark were practically not included, and this is not correct, as the Danish reports of POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome) were well reported and diagnosed in a specialist clinic. Therefore, they had to be included.” EMA’s review and conclusions to this report by the Danish authority led to a decline in confidence in the HPV vaccination program in Denmark, with vaccination coverage falling below 25%, compared to a previous coverage of 90%. The DMHA team concluded that suspected harms of any healthcare intervention, including vaccines, must be discussed openly . Dismissing suspicions of vaccine harm without sufficient evidence prevents improvements in vaccine safety and jeopardizes the credibility of the profession. 

From my point of view, as a gynecologist, the effective prevention of cervical cancer can be done by periodically performing a quality Pap smear. This investigation, a little expensive and effective, should have been offered to women through screening programs at the national level, but unfortunately, this topic was never treated seriously in Romania. Instead, we are offered expensive vaccines, with fraudulent studies and uncertain composition.

Knowing these things now, I believe that all vaccines should be reevaluated , both from the point of view of conducting studies, of effectiveness, but also of composition. It is not normal that ANMDMR does not carry out checks for these vaccines, on the grounds that they are produced in the EU. Because for the Comirnaty -Omicron B4-5 and Moderna vaccines we found abnormal, strange behaviors of the vaccine (moving particles, crystallization on the slide not covered by the coverslip, persistent hydrogel), we carried out an optical microscope examination of the anti-HPV vaccine called Gardasil. I was impressed to see how the Gardasil vaccine behaves when a drop is administered on a slide, without a slide on top. The spectacular way of crystallization is reproducible, taking place in the same stages, every 15-32 minutes (depending on the size of the drop), as if the crystallization were programmed. Do you think that this way of crystallization can be explained by the composition written in the prospectus?

Considering this information and observations, I believe that the RE-EVALUATION of ALL VACCINES at the local level, in Romania, is necessary, both from the point of view of effectiveness, the performance of clinical trials and the composition. 

How to prescribe a product when you are no longer sure that it corresponds to what is written on the label and that the studies were correctly conducted? These are questions that the authorities should answer quickly, quickly… 

We cannot continue to recommend/administer such products, being aware that we, the manipulated doctors, can be used as tools for the implementation of plans that do not aim at the good of man.

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