Dr. Mike Yeadon against the “Covid” cartel. And: The new TONED syndrome (The TREATMENT OF A NON-EXISTENT DISEASE syndrome)
The “nice” “Covid” cartel. And: Is there really a lot of excitement about the use of Ivermectin at the moment? Oh, I don’t think that’s quite true. Those who recommend this drug to treat the alleged “Covid” have simply shifted the focus within the problem.
Source: Suavek, substack, 28 Aug 2024
Foreword by Dr. Mike Yeadon, August 28, 2024 :
Please, it’s important that you fully grasp the significance of this piece and also most helpful if you’d comments under it and perhaps also share it.
Silence in the face of those arguing for Treatment of non existent diseases (TONED) is a severe risk to our liberty and health.
Best wishes
The consequences of a “Covid” narrative are serious.
by Suavek
Dr. Mike Yeadon posted the picture in his Telegram channel :

The picture :
Walthamstow. August 2024. The State is most concerned that your children should be dosed.
Source : https://t.me/DrMikeYeadonsolochannel/1786 ( Dr. Mike Yeadon, August 28, 2024, forwarded from Rise’s Telegram channel ).
Directly below you can see an enlargement of both parts of the image.

The two images symbolize the consequences of the spread of the “Covid” narrative by irresponsible doctors. The destruction of children’s immune systems occurs firstly through the lies of the perpetrators, secondly through the silence or false information of the doctors who claim the existence of “Covid”. And thirdly, through the parents, whose actions are based on the fear of the non-existent “Covid”.
By posting these pictures on Telegram, Dr Yeadon made a special statement against the “Covid” narrative. This simple statement could not have been stronger. Who do you think is a real friend of humanity here : the person who sells you Ivermectin against “Covid”, for example, and thereby increases the fear of “Covid”, or our friend Mike Yeadon? Please do not look for narcissistic idols, but for trustworthy people of flesh and blood, especially look for people who are currently the most censored. Anyone who reinforces the Covid narrative and is celebrated in sheep’s clothing as a hero, is contributing to children being injected with a bioweapon. Whether directly or indirectly, consciously or through stupidity, these people actually do it.
Dr. Mike Yeadon, August 28, 2024 :
A kindly person here posted this as a comment.
It’s short enough to watch easily, but the crux of the fakery is from 3.00 to 3.30 minutes.
“At the peak of the pandemic, we estimate 7 deaths from swine flu (or whatever) per day in Belgium”.
“Of course, this is true every year, whether there’s a pandemic or not”.
Audience giggles.
They are so in our faces with this fraud. And ostensibly clever people go on & on about “novel viruses” and the “urgent need for vaccines”, while the media messaging manipulates you with deliberately fear-provoking messages & lines designed to tempt you not only to accept injections but to run selfishly toward the slaughterhouse.
Asking how do people like this sleep at night, the answer is surely money, power and a total disregard for the people they’re deceiving and more than willing to see injured or dead.
Best wishes
Linked in the post above :
by Suavek
Is there really a lot of excitement about the use of Ivermectin at the moment? Oh, I don’t think that’s quite true. Those who recommend this drug to treat the alleged “Covid” have simply shifted the focus within the problem. The main problem is in reinforcing the “Covid” narrative and not in treating a grandmother who is immunocompromised and can’t have any more children anyway. But the Ivermectin preachers are not only afraid of losing sales, the perpetrators are also afraid that their “Covid” narrative will be shattered. Because along with the sale of Ivermectin, the fear of the never-existent “Covid” and of the next plandemic is being stoked, not so casually. That’s how the “Covid” cartel works. After all, Ivermectin is just a side issue, because it’s about the main narrative. So we can well understand where all the excitement comes from. Ivermectin is hardly the issue here, because it is just one of many drugs, and it is also very cheap. So the loss of sales cannot be the issue. Those who like to call themselves “Covid healers” and want to be seen as “critical pandemic heroes” seem to have swept this inconvenient half of the problem under the carpet. They write exclusively about the effectiveness of the drug and do not mention the context in which they offer Ivermectin.
Since when does the pharmaceutical cartel care about your health? Under the false pretext of wanting to protect cheap Ivermectin, the “Covid” narrative is being defended with all its might. This is not about medication, but about nothing more and nothing less than being able to continue to cultivate the false narrative of “Covid” and continue to stoke fears among people. Do all the “Ivermectin preachers” even know this ?
Anyone who preaches ivermectin or other drugs as a cure for a non-existent disease is helping the perpetrators who invented the plandemic to keep society in fear. The people who believe these pseudo-healers will later, at the time of the next fictitious plandemic, be made submissive by the fear of the alleged virus and fictitious disease. The healing power of correct information, i.e. the truth, which was preached 2000 years ago by a certain Jesus of Nazareth, remains completely forgotten. It was said: “The truth will heal you”. Unfortunately, we must first find out for ourselves what the truth is in order to be healed. The “healers” of “Covid” are of little help to us, they only make us stupid. We know from several very sophisticated studies by Prof. Denis Rancourt (and even before that from the figures of Prof. Norman Fenton) that in 2020, the year of the “deadliest pandemic of all time”, there was no measurable excess mortality worldwide. Prof. Rancourt has also proven that there were no waves of spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus claimed by the perpetrators and their lackeys. The alleged “pandemic” began exactly when the WHO declared the “pandemic” and the deadly hospital protocols were applied. But why, for heaven’s sake, are the dubious doctors then preaching Ivermectin and other drugs to treat Covid if this disease never existed? Why can’t you say, for example, that in your opinion Ivermectin can help with bacterial pneumonia or flu and can be used successfully in elderly people with weakened immune systems? The topic of “cancer” should also be mentioned here, without me taking a special position on it. I write “for example” because I do not intend to express an opinion on flu treatment and other physical illnesses. I have been interested in systemic fraud for over 20 years, so the somewhat humorous name of my substack is just to help me package difficult topics in the simplest and most understandable way possible.
However, I can assure you that I take the issue of “systemic fraud” seriously despite the “light” packaging,
I will not discuss the effects of Ivermectin because I leave that subject to the experts. However, I am interested in the context in which this drug is offered.
Anyone who reinforces the “Covid” narrative by offering this drug for “Covid” treatment cannot be taken seriously. I would say that the problem of such a doctor is so deep in his psyche that I will never expect him to show any insight, no matter what information is made available to him. This claim, in turn, stems from my assumption that in 2024 there will be enough evidence that we have been lied to from A to Z, because there was never a “corona pandemic”, there was no SARS-CoV-2 virus and of course there was no disease that could be caused by the non-existent virus. Anyone who refuses to acknowledge this in 2024 despite the evidence available is, in my opinion, suffering from a serious mental disorder. I recognize elements of several well-known syndromes in this: Munchausen syndrome by proxy, Stockholm syndrome and helper syndrome, although the framework of acting out can, in my opinion, be described as narcissistic.
These are people who like to present themselves as heroes of the modern age and strict critics of the system. Even if the basis of their work is a lie, they do their work with a perfection that in most cases must be crowned with success. I do not believe that it is always a mental illness, because there is also greed and all kinds of immorality that is deliberately used to gain advantages. In addition, there are weak personalities in whom the “Covid” propaganda has eaten so deeply into their brains that they cannot imagine that “Covid” never existed. However, as far as the well-trained and obviously very successful and eloquent doctors are concerned, I must admit that I can hardly accuse them of ignorance.
It may be that exceptions can prove the rule and we do not want to tar everyone with the same brush. After all, a doctor can convince himself that half a truth is better than no truth at all and will lie or conceal the truth to avoid professional consequences. In doing so, he is unaware of the damage he is causing because he is repressing the consequences from his consciousness. Nature is inventive and our repression mechanisms are correspondingly diverse. For this reason, I would not call anyone a bad person. He who makes no mistakes should cast the first stone. But the whole situation seems to reveal a particular problem that has so far received too little attention.
Dr. Mike Yeadon first alerted us to the problem. To better understand the pernicious nature of the false “Covid” narrative, I propose giving this problem a name.
We don’t want to accuse people who want to cure “Covid” of anything bad, so we could talk about psychopathological altruism here, but the problem seems to be much more complex and has characteristics of various syndromes we know. One of the possibilities would be to name a syndrome that can be derived from the abbreviation of the following sentence: “Treatment of non-existent disease”. A TONED syndrome “born” in this way can express many things at once that may otherwise require a detailed description. I will not be able to work through all facets of the syndrome in this article, as these are complicated psychological processes. But the syndrome can be understood very well if you find its elements in the following syndromes listed below. I will now drink a well-deserved coffee and wait patiently for your feedback in the comments. Whether you take my suggestion seriously or humorously is up to you to decide. The details of the new TONED syndrome can be found at the following links :
The helper syndrome and pathological altruism :

( … )
In both groups, Helper Syndrome was detected (nurses 29.5%, controls 30.5%). Participants with Helper Syndrome showed significant differences in personality styles and traits, namely significantly higher scores for Foreboding-Schizotypical Personality Style, Spontaneous-Borderline Personality Style, Amiable-Histrionic Personality Style, Ambitious-Narcissistic Personality Style, Loyal-Dependent Personality Style, Helpful-Selfless Personality Style, Carefully-Obsessive Personality Style, Optimistic-Rhapsodic Personality Style, Social Orientation, Strain, Emotionality and lower well-being. The only difference between nurses and controls was that nurses were significantly less open aggressive.
( … )
Full article / Source : https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10601456/
Wolfgang Schmidbauer Author :
The helpless helpers
About the psychological problems of the helping professions
The helplessness of helpers arises from their overly strict altruistic ideal of social help. The subject of this successful classic is what rigid ideals can do to the lives of individuals and to the coexistence of groups and peoples.
Helping is the essence of many professions. And several statistical studies prove that the mental health of members of the helping professions is not particularly good. This situation is best documented in the most prestigious assistant profession, that of doctor. However, nurses, social workers, educators, teachers, psychologists, pastors and other helping professions are likely to share essential aspects of their psychological structure with doctors. In addition, in no professional group is one’s own need for help trivialized and suppressed as persistently as in those that offer helpfulness as a service. The “helper syndrome” is particularly clearly expressed in the fact that weakness and helplessness in others are accepted and recognized as worthy of treatment, while the self-image must be kept free of such “blemishes” at all costs.
Source : https://www.rowohlt.de/buch/wolfgang-schmidbauer-die-hilflosen-helfer-9783644000100
Helper syndrome: Are you just trying to help or are you looking for recognition?
Helping someone is a matter of course for you. But helpfulness can become pathological. Is it really about helping, or do you just want to feel morally superior? What do you feel exactly? Is this possibly the helper syndrome?
Full article :
Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy :
The Stockholm Syndrome :
For the most reliable information about the “Covid” scam and deceptions of the system, read Dr. Mike Yeadon’s daily statements :
Here you can find Dr. Mike Yeadon and his statements :

Substack by Dr. Mike Yeadon :
The Telegram channel of Dr. Mike Yeadon ( other Telegram channels with his name are fake ! ) : https://drmikeyeadon.substack.com/
There is also a chat channel connected to the channel linked above, which is managed by his friends : https://t.me/DrMikeYeadonsolochannelChat
When searching for Dr. Yeadon’s videos only two browsers are recommended:
Yandex :
and Mojeek :
Censorship is omnipresent on Google or Safari.
Many statements and videos from Dr. Mike Yeadon can also be found on Suavek’s Substack, which is recommended by Dr. Yeadon on the main page of his Substack.
Both links lead to Suavek`s Substack :