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Polio in Gaza is indeed a virus derived from the SABIN vaccine strain, Raoult was correct!

The Sabin vaccine is a live, attenuated polio vaccine developed by the American physician Albert Sabin. The vaccine is trivalent, meaning that it protects against poliovirus types 1, 2 and 3, and is administered orally. Abandoned more than 30 years ago in rich countries, it has continued to be used in poor countries, and has given rise to dangerous variants, as in Gaza.

Source: Patrice Gibertie, 9 September 2024


Pr@raoult_didier was a little too optimistic: there is not 30 times more polio due to the vaccine virus but 50 times more, according to the WHO Polio Eradication Group (PEG) report of September 2023, page 90.

https://reliefweb.int/report/pakistan/independent-monitoring-board-global-polio-eradication-initiative-22nd-report The Sabin vaccine is a live attenuated polio vaccine developed by the American doctor Albert Sabin. This vaccine is trivalent, meaning that it protects against poliovirus types 1, 2 and 3, and is administered orally. Abandoned more than 30 years ago in rich countries, it has continued to be used in poor countries, and has given rise to dangerous variants, as in Gaza.


“The only virus I know (#polyomelite) made by man was not made in #Wuhan but in the United States!!!”


URGENT: Great discomfort on CNEWS, Professor Didier Raoult, one of the greatest specialists in infectious diseases, declares live: “The polio virus that is currently in Gaza is a vaccine derived virus, it is not natural, it is manmade”.

In the week ending 28 August 2024, a case of circulating poliovirus-derived vaccine strain type 2 (cVDPV2) polio was reported in the Gaza Strip, making it the first in the territories. The affected child is 10 months old and the paralysis appeared on 25 July 2024. This is the first case in 25 years.

Wild poliovirus types 2 and 3 were eradicated in 2015 and 2019 respectively. Serotype 1 remains endemic in the wild in two countries, Afghanistan and Pakistan, but has also been detected in Malawi (2021) and Mozambique (2022). The serotypes 2 and 3 still circulating are exclusively vaccine-derived polioviruses.

Poliomyelitis can be caused by a vaccine strain derived from the oral polio vaccine, Sabin. This live attenuated vaccine has not been used in Canada since 1996, but is still used in several parts of the world, mainly in Africa and the Middle East. Attenuated live vaccine strains can be excreted in the faeces and infect an unvaccinated person. When an attenuated vaccine virus circulates in a poorly vaccinated population for several months or even years, it can undergo several mutations and reacquire neurovirulence potential. These mutant viruses are called vaccine-derived polioviruses and can cause paralytic polio. Cases of vaccine-derived polio are most frequently associated with vaccine poliovirus type 2 (more than 95% of cases).

Just over 1,000 cases of vaccine-derived polio paralysis have been reported since 2000.


About pgibertie

Agrégé d’histoire, Professeur de Chaire Supérieure in economics and geopolitics, lecturer at Bordeaux III and as a trainer for the agrégation in economics at Rennes. Now retired.

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